K.S.C.H. Workflows

Prototype of a custom-developed workflow management system for the Kirpal Sagar Charitable Hospital.

Mission statement

The Kirpal Sagar Charitable Hospital is a small hospital in Punjab, India, where all people receive treatment and then pay what they can afford. It is envisioned to grow up to 500 beds and become part of a Medical College. The purpose of this project is to support that vision by analysis of the IT architecture.

Unique Value Proposition


The source code can be used for educational purposes in the Kirpal Sagar Academy and external universities.


This is a non-commercial project, intended to support the mission of Kirpal Sagar which is man-making and man-service.

Find out more about the hospital and Kirpal Sagar in general:



Currently this project is just a prototype that is used to explore ideas and as a tool for eduction.

Maybe someday there will be a group of a dozen volunteers that evolve the system together. If the application gets used in production mode, there will be a professional service partner that takes care of the operations and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level support. This service partner would be financed with purpose-bound donations.


The architecture the K.S.C.H. Workflows system is described here:

Architecture Documentation

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